Through earphones listening to music? Danger vigilant Tinnitus

Listening to music through earphones such as earphones, headphones, or headsets have become a lifestyle. However, the researchers warned of the dangers of tinnitus in balikya espionage.
Tinnitus is a noise or hum in the ear, the symptoms of certain
diseases such as ear injury, circulatory problems in the body, until a permanent damage to the hearing nerve. Most cases are caused by listening to loud music.
Scientists say the sound of music full volume of the music player or mobile phone through headphones could reach 100 to 115 decibels (dB). In fact, the sound at 85 decibels alone is dangerous and potentially cause hearing loss, quoted from
This damage is often diagnosed late, evident from the research in Sao Paulo, Brazil, involving 170 participants in the age range 11 to 17 years. As many as 28.8 percent of them were suffering from chronic tinnitus, and more than 50 percent of them had experienced temporary tinnitus in their lives.
While in England, about 7 million people have experienced tinnitus at least once during life. More than 500 thousand claimed that tinnitus has a devastating effect on their lives.
To avoid tinnitus, experts recommend not to listen to music on earphones in a loud volume. You are also advised to use ear protection when the atmosphere was noisy.

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